In-Between Times: On the Titanic
On the problems and threats of the impending era
#foreign policy


#United States

Why a Ceasefire Is Necessary Today
Irreversible and possibly catastrophic events could happen, which would cancel out any possible future for millions of people


The Versailles Trap
What lessons must we draw today from events that happened more than a century ago? 


New World Disorder
On the collapse of the international order formed after the end of World War II and the risks of a major global conflict 
#foreign policy


Russia-2022: Underlying Causes
Why and how did a political system appear, which has resulted in the so-called “special military operation” against Ukraine on 24 February 2022?

#Putin system


 ARTICLES All articles
The Putin System

A new book
by Grigory Yavlinsky
Columbia University Press, 2019