Many say that they will fight against the new pension law [envisaging substantial raising the retirement age]. It is quite understandable. But even if something will be achieved, as for example, retirement for women not eight, but five years later [as compared to all these years], then tomorrow it [people’s money] will be taken away through a VAT increase. We will be fighting against the VAT [increase], they will take it through the rise in the cost of housing and utilities services. While we will be struggling against the growth of tariffs of housing and utilities services, they will squeeze the money through the increase of the personal income tax.

Whether we will be fighting on certain issues or not – the robbery will continue anyway. Because when the economic system does not function, and the arms race, war and corruption need more money, then they will inevitably rob the population by all possible means. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to fight for peace, justice, the rule of the people and modern market economy. Against the mafia. For the future of Russia. Then pensions will be decent and there will be no robbery.

Meanwhile, the State Duma has adopted a completely humiliating law on raising the retirement age, with Putin’s amendments, which, naturally, were unanimously supported by all the deputies present at the meeting(!).