Window of Opportunity: The Grand Bargain for Democracy in the Soviet Union

Looks at the West's stakes in the Soviet reorganization, and suggests a program of economic assistance.


Looks at the West’s stakes in the Soviet reorganization, and suggests a program of economic assistance. Prepared by the Joint Working Group on Western Cooperation in the Soviet Transformation to Democracy and the Market Economy, Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project, U.S.A., Center for Economic and Political Research (EPCENTER), USSR.

When Allison and Yavlinky's teams produced a detailed report, titled "Window of Opportunity," after a feverish month of work in Cambridge, opponents reacted as though they were proposing "Let's Make a Deal" and "Door Number 3."

— Washington Post
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The Putin System

A new book
by Grigory Yavlinsky
Columbia University Press, 2019